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Sagittarius Story
21:33:28 Aug 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

I am writing something completely unrelated to anything else I have done in the attempt to help me get out from my writer’s block state.  There are going to be shorter posts than what I have done in a long long time in order to get me back into writing.  Just keep in mind that I am doing something simple to help me, not something super complex and long to make things worse for me. 



In the year 2072 on the planet of Karus, a unified government wrestled with the idea of a war with their neighboring planet of Karlios.  Relations had continued to grow worse due to several incidents that claimed the lives of several dozen innocent civilians, and people on both sides wanted blood.  Between the two planets was a smaller and uncolonized moon called Tregos by both.  Tregos was a planet that had a very unique landscape that had forests, jungles, deserts, ice wastelands, grasslands, and swamps across its surface.  Both sides, seeing this small world as a great stepping stone for an invasion force, gathered their forces.  Primitive starships and military drop ships rushed towards the world from both sides, hoping to gain a foothold and then setup the invasion of their enemy.

     Corporal Nicholas Bannon, age 23, sat in one of the numerous dropships that headed towards Tregos.  He was a member of the Karusian Ranger Corps, the military force that was a step up from the regular infantry.  With him were 9 other soldiers as part of his squad.  Master Sergeant Jacob Huxley was the head man in the squad, followed by Staff Sergeant Larry Column.  Then it was just a mixture of grunts that included Nicholas.  He was a rifleman, like several others in the unit, and he did his best to keep up with the squad leaders’ expectations.  Sergeant Huxley was a demanding NCO and a damned fine one at that.  Everyone in the unit pulled together to make the man proud.  Within the squad, there were six riflemen, one sniper, one engineer, one medic, and one radioman.

     “Alright Rangers, listen up.  We will be touching down in five minutes.  There is no enemy contact detected currently, but we will not be going in with that mentality.  Our forces are going to be landing in as straight of a line as our superiors could draw.  After that, we are all advancing until we make contact with the enemy.  Once contact has been made, we are to report numbers and anything else we observe and send that information back to headquarters.  After that, reinforcements have been promised to help root out any enemy forces that we make contact with.  Sadly, we have barely any information about this moon except that it is between Karus and Karlios.  Keep your eyes open and watch your back.          
We are going to be split into two teams since our vehicles can only hold about six men in each.  Sergeant Column and I will be the team leaders of course.  Good luck men, and make me proud,” said Master Sergeant Huxley as he stood at the front of the dropship.  The man was the definition of a good Ranger.  Everyone was dressed in a similar way, but it seemed so much more appropriate for Huxley.  The man wore the traditional Karusian battle fatigues that were appropriate for the woodland areas that they would be deploying in.  On his head was a brimmed hat to keep the sun and any rain out of his eyes and a cigar stuck out of his mouth like some sort of movie cliché that Bannon had seen before.
     “I guess everyone wants to be like the guys in the movies,” thought Nicholas to himself.  Still, Huxley was not just a Ranger who dressed like a movie hero.  The man worked his ass off to get the job done and to keep his men alive.  He certainly wouldn’t stop doing his best now that they were heading into a warzone. 
     “Thirty seconds!” said the pilot as he began slowing the forward movement of the ship.  Everyone leaned slightly in their seats as they began shifting forward due to the momentum.  Then they felt the ship descending slowly.  The almost useless windows of the dropship did reveal that they were beginning to descend beneath a high forest canopy.  There was no information about what was beneath the canopy, but they were about to find out.  The dropship continued descending through the thick forest until the Rangers felt the ship slow to a halt.  It lurched slightly and the pilot activated the hovering mode of the ship so that they could exit.
     “Good luck Rangers! I will detach your vehicles when you are ready!” shouted the pilot over the sound of the engine.
     “Thanks for the lift captain!” shouted Master Sergeant Huxley in reply.  The head NCO then kicked open the side door of the dropship with his rifle ready and hopped outside into the forest.  There was only a three foot drop, but each Ranger was carrying about 80 pounds of equipment.  They wore very little armor but they had to carry enough supplies to last being cut off from resupply for several days.  So when Nicholas hopped out of the dropship, he landed roughly on the ground and had to roll out of the way of the Ranger following him so that he was not crushed.
     “Check your footing corporal,” said Huxley to Nicholas as the Rangers secured the drop zone.  Shortly after that, the two Light All-Terrain Vehicles were dropped from the belly of the large dropship and it slowly began ascending.
     “I will see you guys again soon!” assured the pilot over the COM channel.  Soon after that, the short range radio lost reception and only their radioman would be able to get a hold of anything outside of their range.
     “Well Rangers, let’s get moving,” ordered Huxley as he walked over to the closest L-ATV and climbed into the passenger seat.  Four other Rangers piled into the vehicle with one man on a mounted turret, one man driving, and the other two in the middle seats.
     “Corporal Bannon, what are you waiting for?” asked Sergeant Column, who was in the second L-ATV with the rest of the men waiting.
     “Sorry sir, I was just observing my surroundings,” replied Nicholas.
     “Observe your surroundings from inside the vehicle or you are going to get left behind,” replied Larry Column with a chuckle.  Nicholas squeezed into a middle seat of the vehicle and closed the door next to him.
     “Alright private, follow the other vehicle and we will be on our way,” said Column.
     “Yes sir,” replied Private Christopher Frisk as he pressed on the gas pedal and seconds later, the two vehicles were heading off towards their next checkpoint. 

04:33:13 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:


05:21:27 Aug 23rd 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

     The L-ATV’s were luckily built for rocky and rough ground and their suspension made the drive more comfortable than it might have been.  Nick was not complaining as the Rangers advanced deeper into unknown territory.
     “We have advanced about thirty miles.  All clear from up here.  Have you guys seen anything?” asked Huxley over the radio.
     “Negative sir, all clear back here,” replied Column as the two vehicles pushed further still. 
     “Wait, we are getting some radio chatter.  Sounds like several squads along the line have run into some resistance already,” said Huxley after he paused to listen to the COM channels.
     “Keeping our eyes peeled for anything suspicious,” replied Column.  He then turned to the men in the L-ATV with him.
     “Alright Rangers, keep your eyes peeled.  If you see anything, even if it is simply something that catches your eye, let me know! I would rather have a false alarm and it not be something important than no alarm for a real emergency!” ordered Staff Sergeant Column.  The Rangers replied with enthusiasm, eager for their first taste of combat and wanting an end to the building tension that they had been feeling.  The thickness of the forest changed every few minutes, and Nick began to get edgy.  Then suddenly, gunfire erupted from up ahead of Nick’s L-ATV.
     “Hostiles spotted! Deploy and take up positions!” roared Huxley over the radio.  Nick’s L-ATV slammed to a halt and the Rangers filed out.  Shots rang out as the men took up defensive positions near the vehicles.  Nick and Sergeant Column moved up near where Huxley and his men were, only a dozen feet away.
     “Where are they sir?” asked Column as soon as he took cover.
     “We almost ran into them.  Private Wilson unloaded on their vehicle with the mounted machine gun, and it flipped over.  There are only about two of them ahead, but we have them pinned down.  Column, I want you and two other Rangers to circle around and flank them.  There is too much open ground between our locations so we cannot advance directly.
     “Yes sir!” replied the second in command as he turned to move back towards his men.
     “Corporal Bannon, you are with me,” he said as he moved back to where the rest of his men were.
     “Private Hawkins, with me,” added Column as he picked a second man.  The three riflemen then slowly began circling around, taking cover behind the threes as they moved.  It took about five minutes and they were not shot at even once, but Nick finally got a view of their target.  A vehicle that looked similar to their L-ATV was flipped over onto its side and was so badly beat up that Nick couldn’t tell how it looked before.  Bullets were slamming into the metal body and two Karliosian soldiers were crouched behind it and firing blindly as much as they could.  Several bodies were scattered around, obviously from Private Wilson’s quick barrage as soon as they made contact.
     “Bannon, you move left.  Hawkins, you shift right.  I will hold the middle position.  Fire on my command,” said Column as he raised his carbine rifle to his eye.  Nick stepped away from where the other two Rangers were and crouched to keep his presence hidden still.  He then leaned against a large tree and aimed his rifle.  It would take a miracle for him to miss the perfect shot he had lined up and he waited for his NCO’s order.
     “Alright you guys.  Ready…aim…fire!” said Column, and the three Rangers fired several rounds into the two enemies.  Nick’s first shot struck the closest enemy at the base of the skull and he saw the man’s head snap forward and then go limp.  Hawkins struck the second enemy square in the chest and that was it for the enemies.  All of the other bullets simply mutilated the bodies a little more until they were assuredly dead.
     “Secure the area!” ordered Huxley over the COM channel.  Nick, Hawkins, and Sergeant Column slowly advanced towards the wrecked enemy vehicle and checked each body, but none were alive.  The weapons and ammunition that were found on the enemies were destroyed because the ammo was useless to the Rangers’ weapons and the weapons were not needed.  There was nothing else found of importance and it was decided that the vehicle was merely a scout.  The rest of the Rangers spread out around the area and it was announced that the area was clear.
     “Clear!” crackled the COM channel every few seconds as each Ranger reported their status.
     “All Rangers, regroup at the L-ATVs to continue on our way to Checkpoint Two,” ordered Jacob Huxley.  The Rangers were soon back in the belly of the L-ATVs and moving forward again.  They moved deeper into unknown territory and an uncertain future.

02:32:49 Aug 24th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

is this supposed to be like halo?

kind of sound like it but continue i like

02:33:46 Aug 24th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Hah, will try to write more tomorrow.  My household is rather loud and I can't hear myself think at the moment.  I can only write in silence or with at least a better atmosphere.

03:36:41 Aug 24th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I suggested to Deallus that he write something besides fantasy for a while to regain his writing ability. Then I suggested that he write a story from a grunt's point of view. He's doing an excellent job, and I think this is the first story of his that I actually enjoy reading. Keep it up!

03:39:36 Aug 24th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

you used our horoscope ;( and didnt mention me

19:32:51 Aug 24th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

     The Rangers moved almost a full thirty minutes until Huxley ordered a halt.  The two vehicles parked in a defensive position in the forest and the NCOs gathered together some men.
     “Alright, headquarters just managed to get some Intel for us after sending us in blind.  They told us that there is a large stone structure directly ahead of our position after a steep decline in elevation.  We have no clue whatsoever about who made the stone structure, but headquarters has marked it as a possible location to setup a forward outpost and deployment position for troops and supplies.  We will be supported by Staff Sergeant Foley’s squad on our left flank, and we will have Sergeant First Class Baylor on our right flank.  We are going up the middle to secure the structure.  The other two squads are to clear our any enemies that might hit us from the sides and then support our advance.  Everyone clear?” asked Master Sergeant Huxley.  What followed was a number of “yes sirs” that brought a grin to Huxley’s face.
     “Alright Rangers, Specialist Dawes is going to be heading in first since he is our sniper and scout.  Corporal Dawning and Private Grimm will support him,” added Staff Sergeant Column.
     “As soon as Dawes reports the situation, we will move forward.  We will pile into our L-ATVs and advance until we get close enough and then everyone will deploy except the gunners since they will be covering us,” said Huxley as he stuffed one of his unlit cigars into his mouth as he traditionally did before an attack.  It was time to do or die.
     Nick hopped into the L-ATV and within minutes, the Rangers were moving accordingly.  Specialist Dawes was advancing into the underbrush with only his rifle and ammunition, and Corporal Dawning and Private Grimm were keeping a good distance behind him.
     “Keep going Jimmy, we got you covered,” whispered Private Grimm to Dawes as the sniper disappeared ahead of them.  The man was calm and worked like a machine.  He crawled on his belly down the slope covered in underbrush and rested halfway to the bottom.  Jim Dawes lifted up his head only slightly and saw their target.  It was an enormous stone structure like their headquarters had told them, and there were three enemy vehicles parked with supplies being unloaded from them.  He saw at least a dozen soldiers in view that were either moving supplies or racing about quickly.  Quickly memorizing all that he saw, Specialist Dawes slowly crawled back the way he came.  When he got back to the top of the hill, he tapped Dawning on the shoulder.  Dawes signaled that he wanted to use the radioman’s equipment and Dawning knelt down so he could be of use.  The sniper then matched the frequency of the Ranger’s close range COM channel.
     “I saw three vehicles with only one having an operational turret.  That one is right in the middle of the three that you will see.  There were at least a dozen soldiers racing about, but none of them were in a defensive position.  An attack now would probably be surprising, but be on the lookout for any anti-vehicle emplacements.  I will take down any targets that are within my sight upon request,” said Dawes before he hung up the radio.  About a minute after the sniper reported the situation, the two L-ATVs roared to life and flew down the hill. 
     Nick hung onto his seat as best as he could as the L-ATV slid and fishtailed down the hill.  Even it could not keep good traction while flying down the incline at the speed they were moving.  Private Hawkins was manning the machine gun and was firing away at anything that moved.  A number of enemy soldiers dropped to the ground without a side and others wrestled with death hesitantly.  Then the L-ATVs skidded to a halt and all of the Rangers, excluding the gunners, exited their vehicles and began advancing towards the entrance of the stone structure.
     “Column’s team, move to the entrance and secure it!” ordered Huxley as he fired several rounds from his carbine rifle with a good result due to the grin on his face.
     “Fire in the hole!” screamed Private Ray, the squad’s engineer as he threw specially made explosive charge in an underhanded fashion at the entrance.  It exploded with an incredibly loud boom that almost knocked Nick to the ground.  Corporal Bannon scurried up the stone ramp that lead towards the entrance in time to see half a dozen enemies dash inside to find some sort of cover.  He pulled one of the grenades from his belt and held it in his hand.
     “Fire in the hole!” he screamed before throwing it into the entrance and standing aside.  A loud explosion accompanied by several screams announced that some unlucky person or persons had not kept their distance.  Nick then slammed his body next to the large stone archway that made up the entrance and peered inside.  Two mangled bodies were laying on the ground and a third one was leaning against a wall.  As he tried to look closer, the third body began moving and fired several shots as him just a second too late because Nick pulled his head back.  Private Frisk moved next to Nick and patted him on the shoulder.
     “You alright?” asked the medic quickly.
     “Yeah, we have some enemies holed up in here though,” replied Bannon quickly before firing several blind shots into the entrance.
     “Take my grenade, I have to check for any wounded we might have,” said Frisk as he stuck his own grenade into Nick’s free hand and dashed off.  Nick then pulled the pin and launched the explosive as far as he could and turned the corner as well.  The three enemies had all abandoned their positions to avoid the grenade blast, but they did not also expect Nick to turn the corner with his rifle ready.  One raised his rifle to fire, but the grenade exploded at that exact moment, tearing the man’s arm clear off.  Nick squinted due to the brightness of the blast, but he fired several rounds into the area, clipped one of the enemies across the back and striking another through the temple.  Both enemies dropped to the ground and several more bullets made sure they did not get back up.  Nick turned around and saw the battlefield that seemed so far away only moments ago, but it had now returned to his reality.  Bullets were flying all around him and shouts were coming from all over.  Nick did the only thing that he thought he could do.  He took up a position at the entrance and began firing at any enemies he saw moving.  It was a great location for a machine gun nest, but he would have to make do with his carbine rifle.  It had good accuracy which made up for the payload in Nick’s opinion.  He sat behind a low wall and would raise his body up enough to fire off several shorts before retreating back under cover.  The battlefield below wasn’t pretty.  The Karliosians must have had some reinforcements because more vehicles.  One was medium armored with a cannon mounted on the top, and Nick already knew that the group was in trouble. 
     Suddenly, Nick felt a hand grab his shoulder and he spun around to see Staff Sergeant Column standing behind him.
     “Come on corporal, we are pulling back!” he shouted over the noise.  Nick was about to stand up and move when suddenly he heard a dreadful sound.  The Karliosians had air support.  Nick looked up in time to see two small fighters zip across the field and drop a line of small bombs that just barely missed Sergeant Column and Private Ray, who was also with them.  The bombs raked across the battlefield and the three Rangers were knocked off their feet by the blasts.  When Nick climbed to his feet, he saw that both of their L-ATVs were burning wreckages now.  Master Sergeant Huxley was pulling his men back to the hill as quickly as he could.
     “Bannon, get into the structure now!” ordered Column.  Nick was about to ask why, but he suddenly saw that the Karliosians had advanced rather quickly and that their armored vehicle was now aiming at their position.  He stood up and bolted towards the open doorway of the building just as the cannon was fired and tore away at the stone wall Nick had just been hiding behind.  Debris pounded against his back, but nothing was large enough to knock Nick to the ground.  The three men ran past the bodies of the Karliosians that Nick had taken care of earlier and deeper into the unknown structure.  The Karliosians then gave chase while also pushing back Huxley’s forces that now had some of Column’s team with it.

03:13:10 Aug 25th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

     Nick breathed heavily as he chased after Staff Sergeant Column.  Private Ray and his NCO were just ahead of him, and he gasped for air as he grew tired from running.  Nick felt his pack weighing down on him and he cursed silently because he was not in the best physical condition and that was the reason for him falling behind.
     “Hurry it up corporal or they are going to catch up!” shouted Column from just around the next corner.  The stone structure was much larger than anyone had realized.  It continued winding further and further as well as going deeper into the ground.
     “I’m trying sir, but I am winded pretty badly,” replied Nick as best as he could.  Several guns fired from nearby and hit the wall near where he was standing.  Nick spun and fired his carbine several times before racing off with energy brought on by panic.  He didn’t know if his bullets hit anything, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let the enemy walk right up to him without a fight.  Nick turned another corner and almost fell through a gaping hole that was in the ground.  Instead, he used his momentum and threw himself as best as he could over the hole.  It was a desperate maneuver, but it had just saved his life.  He peeked down the hole for only a second, but saw that there was another level probably a dozen feet down more.  Nick then turned and ran to the end of the hallway before going prone on the ground.  He steadied his rifle and waited only a moment.  A Karliosian soldier rounded the corner and fell straight down the hole with a shriek.  The next one turned the corner more slowly and peered down the hole with concern.  Unfortunately for him, Nick fired five bullets that struck him repeatedly until he dropped to the ground as a lifeless corpse.  A grenade bounced around the corner and Nick rolled away from where it landed.  He kicked it back down the hallway and then crawled to his feet to make his getaway.  The grenade blast shook the building slightly, but not enough to knock Nick to the ground again.  He took off after the other two Rangers and found them about five minutes later.
     “What the hell were you doing corporal? I thought you were dead after the gunfire and explosions.  You need to keep closer,” said Staff Sergeant Column as he scolded Nick.
     “Sorry Sarge, I was ambushing a few of them in order to give us some more time.  Not sure if it did the trick, but I got a couple of them at least,” replied Nick.
     “Well, Private Ray is going to setup a little surprise for them.  I am glad we have the only engineer in our group to get things going for us,” said Column.  Private Ray took off his pack and removed several small objects.
     “These are sensor mines.  They explode whenever the light that they give off is broken by a solid object.  I will be placing a number of these little guys all around the place as we move through the areas.  They will slow down the enemy or at least kill off anyone who is careless enough to charge through them,” said Ray as he walked to the doorway that Nick had just passed through and attached one just above the ground at the door.  He then jogged back over to his pack and lifted it back on.
     “Alright, let’s keep moving quickly or we will be dead,” said Larry Column as he led the two other Rangers through the larger room.  There were walkways of all sorts that twisted and turned around it, but none of them seemed to lead to anywhere.  It was a maze that simply seemed made for frustrating the hell out of anyone who passed through it.  The group spent about thirty minutes hiking around the area, and the silence was only broken periodically by the mines that Private Ray left scattered behind them.


     Lieutenant Vincent Pallor cursed loudly, not caring who heard it.  He had lost about seven men to the traps that the Karusians had left behind them.  It seemed that no matter how much he told his men to be careful, some idiot would end up blowing two other men to smithereens.  The officer could not seem to understand the stupidity of the men assigned to him.  His headquarters had promised intelligent and strong recruits for the war effort, but all he had gotten were men handed weapons and sent into combat.  Vincent would not stay quiet about this after he finished hunting the small number of Karusians that were still ahead of him.  He would find them and kill them for this chase that made his temper burn stronger.
     “You four men will move forward and watch the ground level for any suspicious objects.  Look for beams of light if you value your lives,” he snapped at several soldiers standing next to him.  Pallor had started this hunt with about fifteen infantry soldiers and he had lost about half of them.  It was becoming embarrassing and his name would be slandered by the elders of Karlios for his supposed incompetence.  Lieutenant Pallor finally stopped thinking about the consequences of failure and began moving forward with the rest of his men.


     Master Sergeant Jacob Huxley rarely lost his temper, but when he did, it was a sight to behold.  Corporal Dawning was taking cover behind a tree with Huxley on the radio to headquarters “kindly” telling them that if they didn’t move their lazy asses, a company of Karliosian soldiers and armored vehicles would be breaking through their lines.
     “I told you seven goddamn times that if I don’t get some air and ground support, we are all dead! Tell your superiors that unless they want to live in a prison camp for the rest of their lives, they will back me up here!” screamed Huxley into the radio.  The man on the other end was probably terrified that Huxley would come after him and kill him in his sleep.  When Huxley finally got a positive reply, he hung up the radio just in time to be knocked clear off of his feet by an explosion.
     “Son of a bitch!” grunted Huxley as he pulled himself to his feet.  He had lost his L-ATVs and Private Anthony Wilson to a barrage of firepower that was hidden beyond the sight of any support he had.  Specialist Dawes had disappeared and they could not establish radio contact with him.  Private Grimm was wounded badly and was being treated by Private Frisk to the best of the medic’s abilities.  All in all, things were not looking good.  He only had about two other men who could help fight, and at the rate things were going, they would be captured or killed.
     “Alright, we have to pull back! The Karliosians are advancing with little chance of us stopping them!” ordered Huxley to the men that were around him and fighting with all that they had.
     “But Sarge, I don’t think we can move Grimm with his injuries! It may kill him!” replied Private Frisk.
     “We have no choice right now.  The Karliosians may kill us rather than captures us,” replied Huxley.  As Frisk was about to argue some more, a large roar suddenly filled the air and five Karusian fighters swooped overhead and dropped off a large payload of bombs.  A dropship also hovered over the large clearing next to the stone structure and began firing its turrets at any targets that were within sight.
     “This is Major Charles Bingham of the 3rd Karusian Assault Infantry Company.  Support is on the way, just hold tight Rangers,” said a voice over the radio.  Then Huxley breathed a sigh of relief.

11:48:55 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

It is amazing hoe keeping the story simple can work wonders.

21:31:09 Aug 25th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Except when Septim criticizes you about them not using smart strategies that would make it dull in my opinion.  This isn't going to be a book, so I am really not caring.  If anyone thinks I should just stop, by all means, tell me and I won't argue.

00:13:47 Aug 26th 09 - Mr. Laplarvis:

Stop writing it and I'll ruin your you-know-what. >_>  Nah, just kidding.  Seriously, keep writing.

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